
Vite + React + TS

The webpage appears to be a platform for analyzing Telegram channels, specifically focused on trading and alpha generation. The technology stack used is Vite, React, and TypeScript. The platform allows users to search for Telegram channels and analyze their trades in real-time. The search functionality is prominently displayed, with a call-to-action to "Find your alpha". The webpage also displays a copyright notice for AlphaGator, dated 2024. Overall, the platform seems to be designed for users looking to discover and analyze trading opportunities on Telegram channels.

AB Testing Tools

AB Testing Tools is a web application designed to help developers and marketers optimize their websites through A/B testing. With this tool, users can create different versions of their web pages to compare and determine which performs better.

CloudVM Launcher

Launch a 32-bit virtual machine directly in your browser! Linux, Windows, and more!

ObscuraLua - Advanced Lua Obfuscation Tool

ObscuraLua is a high-performance Lua obfuscator that simplifies security for developers. Protect your Lua scripts from reverse engineering and theft.

Idleon Crafting Calculator

Idleon Crafting Calculator is a tool designed to help players calculate crafting resources for the popular game IdleOn. This calculator allows users to select items manually or utilize the Pack Mule Crafter dropdown to automatically select recipes, making it easier to plan and manage resources.

Frequently Asked Questions About Replit Agent AI

What's Replit Agent AI?

Replit Agent AI is an experimental AI coding tool by Replit that utilizes natural language processing to enable users to build software projects through simple verbal descriptions. It automates tasks like coding, environment setup, debugging, and deployment, making app creation accessible even to non-programmers. Key features include code generation from natural language prompts, project collaboration, prototype development, iteration, and deployment support. It's particularly suited for rapid prototyping and is currently available for early access to Replit Core and Teams subscribers.

How to found your apps build by replit agent?

1. Open

2. Explore the apps build by replit agent.

3. Click the apps that you need to get the detail and visit it.

How to submit my own app build by Replit Agent in ReplitAgent.Best?

1. Open, click Submit on the right top

2. Fill in the Appname and Address. notice your app should be build by Replit Agent AI.

Is it free to submit app build by Replit Agent to ReplitAgent.Best?

Yes, it's free currently. But you should share the backlink for ReplitAgent.Best!

What's the categories list of Apps that ReplitAgent.Best support?

We will support all kinds of App later. Please wait for a few days.

What's the frequency for the update of Apps in ReplitAgent.Best?

The list of Apps will be updated daily.

How To Use Replit Agent For Beginners?

You Can get Videos on the Video menu, there are some videos about how to use Replit Agent.

Troubleshooting about Replit Agent

If the content aren't appearing, try a different browser, clear your cache. If issues persist, contact us at [email protected]